From a gritty noir detective to a cunning pirate; from a vengeful cyborg rooster to a power-hungry T-Rex;
from a suave shark rapper to a shadowy illuminati lizard — pick three lead characters to anchor your deck.
Each lead offers unique narrative scoring paths – maximize two for victory.
Strategize with synergy and always have a plan B. As the director, you make the final call.

Roast Comic Frog

Seize the stage with this roast comic frog and leave the audience gasping between laughter and shock with his cold-blooded zingers.

This celebrity frog delivers roasts so vicious they’re cold-blooded! Yet, his charm makes even targets croak with laughter. Owning the stage, his captivating humor ensures no one steals his thunder or shares the spotlight.


If cheeky banter and verbal jabs are your style, this frog will be your amphibian of chaos. At his entrance, he snatches any free narrative points your opponent left hanging, specifically those not yet claimed by their lead characters. Additionally, he gains a narrative point every time a new scene starts. In the event he gets frozen, he’ll rebound with more potent verbal firepower. Bring in this frog to catch your opposing director off guard at the most unexpected moments, steering him towards a hilarious grand finale.


One key ally is ‘Sidewalker Boss’. If this card remains active on the set, and your frog gets knocked out, the free points he grabbed don’t go back to the opponent. Instead, they’ll swing directly to your director, turning into your points before the other side even notices.