From a gritty noir detective to a cunning pirate; from a vengeful cyborg rooster to a power-hungry T-Rex;
from a suave shark rapper to a shadowy illuminati lizard — pick three lead characters to anchor your deck.
Each lead offers unique narrative scoring paths – maximize two for victory.
Strategize with synergy and always have a plan B. As the director, you make the final call.


Invoke the unyielding fury of Maximus as he slashes through enemy leads with swift precision, accumulating narrative points in his crusade for retribution!

Maximus Tatius Valorus, once Rome’s prized silencer of critics turned farmer, is reluctantly drawn back into a life of deceit and vengeance. He is targeting the corrupt heirs of power with his signature sword, ready to punish the pinnacle of corruption.


Embark on a violent campaign with Maximus, securing fourfold points by assassinating the enemy lead, his swift attacks announcing his entrance. Whether it’s through cunning strategy or the strength of other mercenaries, the method of defeat doesn’t matter; it’s the fall of the corrupt that quenches his thirst for revenge. Maximus, once Rome’s silent protector, now deftly navigates through the dark to purge the empire of deceit and restore its lost honor, his narrative inching closer to soothing his soul by avenging all those that wronged him!


‘Backstab’ card, paired with Maximus, turns enemies into unwitting allies, letting revenge unfold by their own hands. Maximus collects his 4 narrative points, his sword untouched, as the echo of betrayal lingers, embodying the perilous dance of power and envy in the ruthless corners of Rome.