From a gritty noir detective to a cunning pirate; from a vengeful cyborg rooster to a power-hungry T-Rex;
from a suave shark rapper to a shadowy illuminati lizard — pick three lead characters to anchor your deck.
Each lead offers unique narrative scoring paths – maximize two for victory.
Strategize with synergy and always have a plan B. As the director, you make the final call.

Rex Xaah

Lead an unstoppable army with this king of dinosaurs and bask in prehistoric pride with each victorious clash against your prey.

Rex Xaah, with his resonant voice and powerful presence, proclaims himself the dinosaurs’ king, rallying them against human hunters to reinstate Jurassic supremacy. He respects Qaal’s unique inter-species communication abilities but envisions a future dominated by dinosaurs, with humans as occasional, elusive prey.


Under the command of this tyrant lizard, even the faint-hearted become fearless predators. This rex measures his sterling leadership by counting the number of strikes and bites executed by each member of his army; the key word here is ‘successful’. Each triumphant attack adds to his narrative score. Living by the fierce motto, “We came, we stomped, we conquered!”, he is an ideal choice for those who favor brute strength over strategy. Bear in mind, a tyrant king’s true power lies in the formidable army that stands with him.


The ‘High-Velocity Raptor’ card lets you target an enemy character on a chosen flank, as long as you’ve played an action card or brought in another dinosaur before the velociraptor arrives. Plus, such an attack could swiftly secure a precious narrative point for your king.