From a gritty noir detective to a cunning pirate; from a vengeful cyborg rooster to a power-hungry T-Rex;
from a suave shark rapper to a shadowy illuminati lizard — pick three lead characters to anchor your deck.
Each lead offers unique narrative scoring paths – maximize two for victory.
Strategize with synergy and always have a plan B. As the director, you make the final call.


Utilize those shadowy noir and enigmatic mystery tropes to outwit and outmaneuver your foes.

Richard ‘Dick’ Spade, a solitary, idealistic detective, navigates outside the law, unraveling motivations and truths with sharp intellect and street smarts. Dressed in his trademark attire, he uncovers deep-seated mysteries, driven by curiosity and a belief that greed is the root of all crimes.

Richard Spade | Leads


Richard Spade earns narrative points whenever you play a trope. Tropes are cards that offer a single-use effect or ability, detailed in the card’s text. This quality makes Spade an exceptionally potent lead. By judiciously playing Tropes and ensuring his survival, you can swiftly max him out and finish his narrative arc. This cinematic journey culminates, akin to a noir detective’s quest reaching its resolution, when Spade attains his maximum potential.


Collectible Card Games | Card Synergy
‘Deal Gone Wrong’ offers a double opportunity to earn 2 points for Spade. Firstly, you gain a narrative point for playing the trope card. Secondly, if you manage to eliminate an enemy character using the 2 damage dealt by this card, you secure an additional narrative point.