From a Gritty noir Detective to a cunning pirate. From a Vengeful Cyborg rooster to a power-hungry T-Rex. From a Suave shark rapper to a shadowy illuminati lizard — pick three lead characters to anchor your deck.
Each lead offers unique narrative scoring paths – maximize two for victory.
Strategize with synergy and always have a plan B. As the director, you make the final call.

Choose Your Leads. Live Their Story.


Narrative Points, symbolized by stars, act as the driving force that propels a movie’s plot ahead. Within ScreenPlay, every lead character requires a specific quantity of these points to complete their individual story arc. By accumulating the necessary points for two leads, you achieve victory in the game.
Arrow Symbol
Earn narrative points when a character performs successfully, marked by a dialogue and comic bubble above the character.
Glowing Star Icon
Arrow Symbol
A diverse range of cards also allows you to accumulate narrative points. These cards can enhance your lead’s potential to reach their maximum point count.
Earn narrative points by fulfilling the specific conditions set by each lead character. Each lead has their own distinct method of generating points.
Arrow Symbol Facing Downward


Anonymous Character | Lead

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