Happy New Year! Update 27.6 Released

Discover New Balances, Bugfixes, and Visual Enhancements!

Season’s Greetings, movie directors! Our latest update brings you a sleigh-load of improvements.


Say goodbye to the freezing issue in the tutorial, and thanks for flagging it!
Plus, we’ve ironed out several gameplay bugs, particularly those tricky corner cases.

Cards rebalancing

  • Roast Comic Frog lead now gains 2 Narrative Points at the start of a scene.

Jaw-Z lead now gains 2 Narrative Points for a successful performance.

Pro-Profit Centurion character now enters on the 4th frame.

Matchmaking tuning

To enhance your gaming experience, our matchmaking system initially tries to find you a fellow player for a few minutes. During this wait, you’ll see a pop-up offering two choices: either jump into a game with a bot or keep waiting for a real player. You also have the option to team up with a friend. If a player match isn’t found after a certain period, the system might pair you with a bot for that round, but will try for a real player in the next. To make the most of your experience, we encourage you to invite friends to join the game. Playing with friends not only makes the game more enjoyable but also helps build our community. Plus, check out our Discord for PvP hours to play when our player base is most active.


We’ve added some visual flair to the game. Enjoy the new flat turtle animation, plus fireworks for the victory screen!


We’re gradually introducing more intricate rules:

This update adds deckbuilding guidelines:

  • Minimum 40 cards in a deck;
  • Include 2 or 3 lead cards;
  • Leads’ genres dictate other card genres;
  • Amount of copies is determined by each card’s rarity (number of dots in bottom left corner).

Up to three copies for Bartender Hydra, four for Ben Bones’ Edits.

Heads up: Your deck might need some tweaking to comply with the new rules. We’ve updated our preconstructed decks accordingly. Happy building!